Child Assistance and Livelihood Promotion (CALP): Maasin City, Southern Leyte; Bato, Leyte and Palo, Leyte Philippines | January 2018 to December 2020

Also funded by Edmund Rice Foundation Australia (ERFA), ERMFPI has worked with communities in Leyte to assist the poorest of children and youth to access and engage in schooling as a means of hope and happiness, at the same time empower their families to be freed from the chains of poverty. 

Taking these issues through a gender perspective lens, ERMFPI specifically targeted women (mostly mothers) and provided them appropriate livelihood trainings and seed funding. Developmental Supplementary Feeding (DSF), provision of school supplies and tutorial activities for their children were also regularly implemented in order for them to be motivated in going to school.  

Nine (9) Women’s Association were capacitated to face the challenges of everyday life head-on. These associations were all duly accredited by relevant regulating bodies.

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