Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR): Maasin City, Southern Leyte; Bato, Leyte and Palo, Leyte Philippines | January 2018 to December 2020

ERMFPI has worked with 9 communities across the Leyte island to prevent disability in children and youth and to assist those with disability to live positively with lives fulfilled according to their potential and abilities. Since 2012 until 2020, the CBR project was funded by Edmund Rice Foundation Australia (ERFA) where it garnered various recognitions from different municipal and barangay health units. Having partnered with quite a handful of private and public health practitioners most especially on the area of eye and ear health, referral pathways were established to ensure access of poor community members to check-ups, surgeries and other medical interventions. Community volunteers were also organized and trained to provide immediate interventions and facilitate referrals to qualified health experts.

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